Using CLI to launch into a model

Started by damo22, December 06, 2021, 19:36:55 PM

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I am wanting to launch Archimate into specific models, ie rather than many. Via CLI, I can do it by launching editor and with dedicated profile directories. I am interested if there is any other way to do it. For example, launch Archimate with profile "archi4/MODEL1:

/usr/local/Archi/Archi -application -cleanConfig --launcher.defaultAction openFile -vmargs -Dosgi.instance.area=@user.home/archi4/MODEL1 -Dosgi.configuration.area=@user.home/archi4/MODEL1/.config

Thanks for your great work!

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, what are you trying to achieve? To launch Archi with just one model loaded in the Models Tree, or launch Archi from the CL? Loaded model references are stored in a "models.xml" file in the user home ".archi4" directory.
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Trying to launch archi with one model in models tree. Many different contexts, wanting to launch archi for a given model/context