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General Archi Discussion / Information modelling in Archi...
Last post by daniel.hallin - February 17, 2025, 13:19:14 PM
Hi. Has anyone any knowledge about how to create information models in Archi?
I know the tool isnt built for it, right out of the box. Any ideas are much appreciated!
coArchi / Re: Time Travel
Last post by johmut - February 13, 2025, 12:54:22 PM
Brilliant! That will do it. Thx!
coArchi / Re: Time Travel
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - February 13, 2025, 09:13:37 AM
So, to be exact, you want to just see the model at that commit? Then the other option is "Extract model from this commit" in the History View.
coArchi / Re: Time Travel
Last post by johmut - February 13, 2025, 09:08:10 AM
Ah, yes, but ...

We wouldn't want/need to restore the branch to a previous (tagged) state. That would undo all the changes since. We just want/need to be able to pull the model as it was, on the branch, at the time of the tagged commit/merge, just to be able to see what the state/plateau of the architecture was, in case names, definitions, relations, views have changed over time. We may need to keep our release branches to be able to do that I suppose (and not delete the source branch when merging into our target branch). I was hoping to avoid that but if we do it like this we can switch to the (long-forgotten) release-branch to see what was merged into target as a tagged point-in-time. Other ideas? Please shoot...
General Archi Discussion / Re: Feeding SVG into a View
Last post by FredFlintstone - February 12, 2025, 18:28:45 PM
Thanks Phil,

kind of what I was worried about, would have been great if SVG rendering was possible. Well I'll see if I can make that work.
General Archi Discussion / Re: Feeding SVG into a View
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - February 12, 2025, 12:49:54 PM
If I understand you correctly, you want to generate an image of a table and display that image in a View? If so, the generation of the table image will have to be done using a JS library based on the data you provide from the model, saved as a PNG and then the resulting PNG image set to a Note in the View.
coArchi / Re: Time Travel
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - February 12, 2025, 12:33:29 PM
If you know which commit has been tagged (by its ID) you have the option "Restore to this commit" available from the History window. This will create a new commit in the history and revert to the chosen commit.
coArchi / Time Travel
Last post by johmut - February 12, 2025, 08:20:16 AM

We are modeling the target architecture in our git repository. Upon reaching a plateau, we merge our 'continuum' branch into 'master' and tag it with the Plateau name. From there the target in 'continuum' evolves over time.

How can we go back to a past Plateau in coArchi? We can switch branches but that only allows switching to the previous Plateau in 'master' and the current target in 'Continuum'. How can we go back to Plateau-2 or -5?

We would need something in coArchi to switch to 'master' and select a 'Tag' on 'master' to go back in time....

Any ideas are highly appreciated.

General Archi Discussion / Re: Feeding SVG into a View
Last post by FredFlintstone - February 11, 2025, 11:41:12 AM
Looking for a solution where I can have a view populated with aditional property data from specific elements. The data should be displayed in a table like style as part of the view when being exported to PDF. In short round tripping data from elements witihin the view back into the view before calling the renderViewToPDF function.

The export to PDF should be done on a selected view basis and not on a full model like what seems to be the Jasper report aproach.

Challenge is that I cannot use MD as intermediate format and then use Pandadoc :-(, like some of the solutions that I have found so far.
General Archi Discussion / Re: Feeding SVG into a View
Last post by Phil Beauvoir - February 11, 2025, 09:43:32 AM
Hi, I don't quite understand what you're asking here. Do you want to add an SVG image to an element in a VIew?

You can export Views as SGV images. However, SVG is not supported as a format when adding an image to an element (Eclipse only supports PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF).