Does the Open Exchange File format support the view diagrams?

Started by Manj75, June 10, 2021, 16:40:04 PM

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I probably know the answer to this but still worth confirming...

I wanted to understand that if for whatever reason there was a need to transition to another tool does the Export to Open Exchange file format also support the exporting of the view diagrams, or is it only the metamodel concepts, properties and relationships found in the ArchiMate folders of the given model.

A scenario is if a client adopts Archi; which is a great tool on it's own, but at a future date wanted to invest in a commercial tool that fulfilled other requirements importing the model would be straightforward using the Open Exchange format, however the view diagrams would not transfer if they are not supported in the file format.

If the answer is no then I would be interested to understand if this is at all possible some other way.

My stance is always to stick with Archi anyway but this question is directed from a client.

Phil Beauvoir


yes. diagram views are exported (and imported) using the exchange format. You can test this yourself by exporting a model and importing it again.

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I guess you should read this publication from the Open Group ;-) :

In short, the exchange file format conveys the model and the diagrams- and what you describe is the exact use case covered.

That's IMHO one of the biggest advantage of ArchiMate over UML and the XMI format (from an interoperability point of view)


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This is fantastic news and is what I had expected, but had some doubt.  I thought I ask the experts as I know I'd get a quick turnaround, rather than reading through the documentation.

Thanks, M

Me and my colleagues is using Archimate Exchange format between Archi and Sparx EA for several years with good result.


steen.jensen, this is really good to know.  A previous client was using Sparx EA although I find Archi a better modern fit.

Is it straightforward to export and the model in Sparx EA to ArchiMate Exchange format - I never found the appropriate options to this in the tool, and never really followed it up?