Multi-Criteria Search on Model Tree?

Started by johmut, March 03, 2022, 10:14:31 AM

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Promoting the use of metadata in property key/value pairs over the creation of sub-folders for classification, is it possible to combine different criteria when filtering the model tree? e.g., I only want to see the "Business Actors" with "HR" in their Name and "BigBoss" in the 'Çreated by' property? Can we use AND, OR, XOR... operators?


Phil Beauvoir

No, those are not supported, just simple text filtering on names.
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Hi Johmut,

Agree with Phil, it's not natively support joint filter/selection within Archi itself, just simple text filtering, however, you can choose different category or properties to narrow down the scope.

For your specific case, I'm thinking possible using Archi's HTML Exported report can be one workaround, in attached "join_query" picture I've made one single element testing model, with one Business Actor with Name as "HR" and a property as you described, "Created by" "BigBoss".

Once you export your model in HTML report, and open in browser, you can see the 3rd tab is the Query, from there you can simply using alasql syntax to make some queries command, and I put the last row with joining "Elements" and "Properties" data.

The 2nd picture is for your reference, on the data table and it's key relationship among them, in HTML report, so that you can explore the field and key to make your more complex query.

Hope that do some reference. Regards,