Adding annotations by script

Started by bigyin, September 19, 2021, 22:58:01 PM

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Trying to generate a script which runs on a selected object (or set of) and generates note, then assigns a connection between the note and the selected object, then the label expression $connection:target{documentation} to the note.

This supports adding documentation in a 'teaching mode' which can be removed by script when no longer required.

Maybe just too late (past my bedtime), but I can not figure out the JArchi Api to assign the connection between the created note as source and selected elements as target).

I think this was added in 1.1.1

Phil Beauvoir

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I have tried my script in 4.8.1 and 4.9 Beta, but when I try in an earlier file I created on an EA version I gate an error, see attached.

Its not important for my test model, but maybe indicates underlying issue etc

Phil Beauvoir

That means you're trying to connect between two objects that are not in the same View.
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