Side by side installation of 4.8 and 4.9

Started by rchevallier, October 15, 2021, 09:18:00 AM

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Hi everyone

I won't be able to move for all my work to 4.9 as I need for some of it to use coArchi. So I'd like to have a dual installation on my PC with both version.
With the portable zip download for Archi, this is easy to separate program and define the proper association.
However I've noticed the plugin drop folder is shared (AppData/Roaming/Archi4/dropins), which makes things a lot simpler when upgrading archi as long as the plugin are compatible with the new version.

The latest jArchi plugin works only with 4.9 if I understand correctly.  Is there a way to separate per version the plugin installation folder ?

Phil Beauvoir

You could edit the Archi.ini file and change the "dropins" location. See

Another way to do it is to manually install the *.archiplugin files. Change the extension to *.zip, unzip, and copy the *.jar files to the dropins folder. This way you can have two versions of jArchi in the same folder. Each version of Archi will use the version of jArchi that is right for it.

And another way to do it is to add a "dropins" folder in the main Archi installation folder and manually copy the *.jar files there.
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Thanks Phil,

2nd option seems to be the simplest for my case.

Best regards

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: rchevallier on October 15, 2021, 12:19:40 PM
Thanks Phil,

2nd option seems to be the simplest for my case.

Best regards

Be aware that when an Archi plug-in is installed via the install manager in Archi, older versions of the installed plug-in are removed.
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