Archi 4.9 known issues

Started by Phil Beauvoir, October 15, 2021, 14:42:03 PM

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Phil Beauvoir

Hi, these are the known issues so far for Archi 4.9:

  • Import from ArchiMate Exchange Format file not working if there are nested connections
  • Generate View For... not creating view if there are connections
  • Specialization names are currently case sensitive and should be case-insensitive (A business actor specialization called "OSCAR" and one called "oscar" should be treated as the same)
  • Import another model over-writes file path. Don't use this until fixed.

I'll release a maintenance build next week.

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Phil Beauvoir

These are fixed in Archi 4.9.1.
If you value and use Archi, please consider making a donation.
Ask your ArchiMate related questions to the ArchiMate Community's Discussion Board.