Profile reference is orphaned / Profile has wrong concept type

Started by dmb, January 31, 2022, 14:07:09 PM

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Hello everyone,

recently a colleague of mine worked on our model and was presented with the attached error message.
Does anyone know what may have caused this error and how to resolve it?

Archi error.png

Kind regards

Phil Beauvoir


you'll need to provide more detail than that - what version of Archi, what OS, any other Archi plug-ins installed and what versions, what actions might have led to this, was the model in a coArchi repo and, if so, what version of coArchi?

There's a thread here also:
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thanks for the quick response!

The error appeared on Archi v4.9.1 on Windows. We`ve upgraded to 4.9.2 now, maybe that already helps?
We also use the coArchi plugin (v. Can different coArchi versions also cause this error?

As far as I know, some elements have been edited and maybe moved to different folders (need to check on that, when possible).


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


This is most certainly due to some user working (or having worked) on your model with a combination of Archi 4.9.x with coArchi prior to 0.8. Versions of coArchi prior to 0.8 are not able to manage profiles and thus lead to this issue.


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