Unable to set Primary Password

Started by Martine, April 20, 2022, 09:58:10 AM

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recently I've had an issue ( topic https://forum.archimatetool.com/index.php?topic=1189.0 ) that I haven't had an answer for.

This morning, after a week of absence, I try to publish again and this time I have an "incorrect password" message. I used the "preferences" screen to put a new primary password, deleted the credential file, installed the latest version of the coArchi plugin but I still have the same message "An incorrect password was entered or the encryption key is invalid".

Can someone please help me? I am very annoyed by this problem because I can no longer save my modifications or share my model...

Thank you
MartineNot a valid attachment ID. Not a valid attachment ID.Not a valid attachment ID. 

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, did you re-enter the password for the repository again in the Properties tab for the repo?
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Hello Phil,
thank you very much for your reply!
I didn't know it had to be done, and it worked!
Now I'm back with my previous problem.... still have a "not authorized" message....
Can you help me with this one?

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Martine,

if you change the primary password with the option selected to "Set new primary password and generate new encryption key" there is a message:

"When setting a new primary password, all stored passwords will be lost and need to be re-entered for each repository"

The same will apply if you manually delete any of the credentials files.

Quotestill have a "not authorized" message....
Can you help me with this one?

Sorry I can't help with that because I don't have any experience of Azure DevOps.
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Ok, thank you Phil !