Question and suggestion

Started by stephane31, April 25, 2022, 15:55:02 PM

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Hi Guys,

Do you know if it's possible to scroll after the edges of a view . Actualy, I use temporary elemet to center an object located in the border.

Other thing, I saw in the roadmap that you will work on a new feature to lock elements  (and that's pretty cool).
A great feature (and a huge job too ) will be to manage virtual layer in a view, and the possibility to lock, displaying, etc, some group of objects.

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Phil Beauvoir

Hi Stéphane,

The scrolling issue is because of the way diagrams are displayed in the Eclipse graphical framework. A quick way to get more space is to Ctrl and scroll wheel to zoom to 25% or 50%, add some objects, and zoom back to 100%.

Locking diagram objects is possible now in a Canvas View. One day we'll extend it to ArchiMate views.
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