ERD into Archi?

Started by Alberto, April 22, 2022, 19:26:20 PM

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Recently I've been exploring the "Data Domain" and so I started doing ERDs for some of our SQL databases using "Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler" (ODM), and a lightbulb went on (and this usually means trouble).

I am finding lots of similarities between ODM's logical, relational, and physical models with Archimate's business, application, and technology layers. Barring the exceptional amount of details that you can add to ODM, I'm sitting here wondering if there's an opportunity to expand the Data Domain in my Archimate models.

I'm thinking certain aspects of the ODM model could make it into Archimate/Archi. ODM seems to run on Eclipse too and can export a model into CSV. These CSV could be reformatted to fit Archimate's language and leverage the heck out of specializations if needed. But if not importing the whole model, at least I could make reference of one from the other and leverage that on our HTML reports.

I know this is the whole purpose of Archimate being a general purpose modeling tool and that other models like BPMN, C4, could fold into Archimate. The pragmatist in me is cautioning that this would be overkill to map the enterprise to the atomic level, but I mean. It is there.

Would anyone be interested in something like this? Sounds like an opportunity to bridge the two worlds, the question is, where do I start? Eclipse forums?

Phil Beauvoir

What is your aim? To export data from ODM and import it into Archi? Or some other type of integration?

Quote...where do I start? Eclipse forums?

I don't think that will lead to anywhere.
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