Specialization Icon Format?

Started by pcmanning, April 01, 2022, 11:03:57 AM

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I'm not up on the ins and outs of graphics formats - but I'm trying to add an Icon to a Specialization - I've pulled an icon from a free library  24x24 and it seems to be about the right size - BUT whatever format I use - png/jpg/ico the Icon seems to be transparent so the text flows under the icon

What am I doing wrong?

Screenshot 2022-04-01 105945.png
Enterprise Architect, Swansea University

Phil Beauvoir

There are no special image format requirements, only what looks best for the figure. You can also use an expression Label to add some line breaks in the name to make it look better.
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OK - will play with line breaks etc - but seems behaviour is different between native Archi icons and the custom one I've added.  Example and Icon attached - link to Icon site if useful...

Free IconScreenshot 2022-04-04 102211.pngdownload-icon-panel+dashboard+gauge+measure+meter+speed+speedometer+icon-1320084900584823388_24.ico   Site
Enterprise Architect, Swansea University

Phil Beauvoir

Archi's icons are drawn in code (similar to SVG) so that they scale when zoomed and are placed to the right of the figure's text box. If an icon is used, and the text alignment is centred or on the right then a small adjustment is made to the text position to move it left a bit. Custom icons are drawn "as is".

Your user icon is 24x24 at the top-right position, so it's rendered with its origin in the top-right of the figure's rectangle bounds. This means that it may or may not overlap the figure's text box depending on position and size.

So it's a case of getting an icon that works well in a given position and resizing the figure to accommodate it, and/or adjusting text position/alignment.
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OK thx - just not what I expected from the "specialization" - rather expected custom icon to replace existing icon and behave the same.  For now I've moved my icon to bottom left so generally out the way of the text etc.
Enterprise Architect, Swansea University


I tend to agree with the op . I guess we need to differentiate between an icon to a shape, and an image that can be placed anywhere on the shape. I feel this will be a great addition.
An icon to the shape should ideally behave the same way as any other icon, it should resize automatically to the same size as any other Archi icon, and have the text render / wrap next to it. The icon can be on the right or left. that will be awesome.
An image should be treated as anything you want and behaves the same way as it is now in Archi.
So in summary I think we need a different feature just for customising the Icons which should have it's own library too :)