Version of ECMAscript in GraalVM for jArchi ?

Started by rchevallier, September 28, 2022, 10:52:03 AM

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What version of ECMAScript is defined in GraalVM for jArchi (cf ?

I'm asking because the engine doesn't seem to support the # prefix for private members of a class, although it is recognized:

Script Error: javax.script.ScriptException: org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: SyntaxError: test.ajs:128:11 Unexpected token: private_ident
    static #hexToRGB (hex) {

Phil Beauvoir

I don't know to be honest. Do you have an example of JS using the #?
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Phil Beauvoir

I think those are part of ECMAScript 2022

That version of GraalVM is from 2000. I'll check latest version.
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Phil Beauvoir

I tested with the latest version of GraalVM and it does support private member access with #. I'll put together a new build of jArchi with it. Bear in mind that as it's a new version of GraalVM it might have some hidden changes.
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Thanks for your quick reply

It's not critical to have the latest version, but always interesting to understand on which ECMAscript standard we shall write code for. I can test the beta if you want

I suggest to add the GraalVM ES supported version to the README of JArchi release