[Share] Archi Modeling Practice Videos for ArchiSurance and ArchiMetal

Started by Xiaoqi, June 07, 2023, 21:31:37 PM

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Hi all,

With earlier post https://forum.archimatetool.com/index.php?topic=1363.0, I've shared some hands-on tips as well as the ArchiSurance case study modeling practice.

During past weeks, I've further exammined the ArchiMetal case study, it brings quite different flavor comparing to ArchiSurance, as it's from one manufacturing industry perspective. Again, hands-on modeling is quite exciting experience, especially using great Archi tool.

Here I'd like to share those available resources for you to get reference if you also want to do modeling practices, also hope the discussion during the videos help you prepare the ArchiMate certification exam when learning these two important case studies.

After the ArchiMetal modeling, attached I've also tried to summarized all of the inter-elements relationship pattern that used in the case study document, for your quick view as well. You can find all other details from the repository.

Feel free to take a look and enjoy on the modeling life!


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Xiaoqi,

nice to see ArchiMetal being used for this one! Thanks once again for the work on these videos and for sharing. :-)

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