Long startup-time and eclipse-error concerning handles

Started by Jelle, September 09, 2015, 07:57:16 AM

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Hello all,

I'm new to Archi and Archimate, and have a few technical problems with Archi.

The first problem is the time Archi needs to start up: this is most of the times at least a minute. Some 30 seconds before the popup screen with the logo is shown, and after this it takes some 30 seconds before Archi is ready to use. Even when it is the only application that runs on my pc (Windows 7).

The second problem is an eclipse-error that I encounter in the log-file of Archi. According to information I found on internet, it has something to do with the way Archi is built: it claims handles in Windows and hereby it exceeds the maximum amount of handles. Maybe this handle-problem has something to do with the long startup time.

Has anybody a clue?


Phil Beauvoir


need more information:

your system, version, ram, etc
do you have many/large archi models open? i.e is it taking time to load them?
are you using zip version of archi or installed version? i.e. what version of java
can you compare with a different machine?

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Hi Phil,

thank you for reacting so fast!

After I wrote this post, I saw that there was a new version of Archi available. So I have just installed this new version of Archi and also the latest Java SE RE from Oracle. Hereby I removed all the old Archi-stuff, including the logfile.

So I think I can better close this issue for now and see what is the effect of the new software.

For your information, my configuration:
- System: HP ProDesk 600, with: intel i5-4570 3.20 GHz, 12 GB RAM, Windows 7 sp 1, 64 bits
- Java: 1.7
- Archi, during the error: 3.2.1

When I start Archi, it opens only the application without any models. And this took when I wrote this post at least a minute. Archi was the only application running on my pc.




I've just started the new Archi version a few times, and the startup-time is most of the times still too long. Sometimes it's as it should be, but on the whole it takes one minute or more before it is opened.

To complete the information about my configuration: I have the installed version of Archi 3.3, and my colleague has the same experience with the startup-time.


Phil Beauvoir

Your system seems powerful enough. Perhaps something is happening with Java? It's hard to say without knowing what is happening. On my system Archi starts quite quickly.

Edit: maybe your anti-virus sofware?
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Yes, my system is indeed powerful enough. And sometimes Archi starts quickly, so it isn't quite clear where to look. But I shall also contact our IT-servicedesk, maybe they can find the cause and hopefully solve it.

Phil Beauvoir

This is the first time anyone has mentioned this. I have heard of slow starts when big models are loaded, but not a clean start.

I have a very old PC from 2007 (Core 2 Duo, 4gb RAM) and Archi starts quite quickly on that.

Do you have any security/monitoring software running that might be checking it?

What was the error in the error log?
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I've just sent a message to our IT-servicedesk to check my pc, hopefully they'll find something.

And about the logfile: I can't find any, nor in the Program files-directory nor in the AppData-roaming directory. Maybe this is because a few days ago I deinstalled the old version and installed the new one, so making a fresh start.

So alas for now I can't give you any new information.