CICD creation of a report failure.

Started by Damounet, December 04, 2023, 14:25:14 PM

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Hello folks,

I have been using archi for a while and I am currently trying in my new company to industrialize its use by auto generating the html report.

I am using the company build factory going with gitlab / jenkins and I stumble on a wierd error.
I am abviously using WoozyMasta's docker image to achieve this ( but it does not work on my company's jenkins server. It works localy on my computer though, so I'm sure it's not model related.

I have opened a ticket on Woozymasta's github, but I want to have a better view on the problem and maybe some of you got this issue too.
My post is there :
In summary the image fails when it tries to start archi and get some issue with some dbus things I am not aware nor a specialist of too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks !

Phil Beauvoir

The error message " Model was not loaded" seems to suggest a problem here. Are you sure your command line arguments are correct? Did you load a model in the arguments?
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Yes I am pretty sure it is in the correct folder, as in the log I print the location of the bash:

+ pwd
+ ls

The job runs in the root folder of the repository as there is the model & images folder created by Archi.

One thing that is different between the jenkins server and my WSL ubuntu in local, is that the server does not have installed any X related lib and thus does not have any Graphical env configured on the host. I wonder if Docker needs to have and share some of the X libs with the host (the dbus one that is in the error)