Copy and Paste Folders and Views between different models

Started by Gemini, January 21, 2024, 00:12:34 AM

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How can I copy a selected folder or view(s) from one model to another model ?
When I right-click on a selected folder or view(s), there is no Copy command option in the right-click menu. I only see Cut option.

Phil Beauvoir

Copy and pasting folders and their contents in the Models Tree is not possible, only "Duplicate". What you can do, however, is copy and paste the contents of a view to another view in either the same model or another one. This is described on page 48 of the User Guide.
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Thanks for your reply.

In some cases, there are only elements and relationships located under the Archimate layer folders of a model. How can I use these elements and relationships in a different model view ?

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Gemini on January 21, 2024, 14:38:20 PMThanks for your reply.

In some cases, there are only elements and relationships located under the Archimate layer folders of a model. How can I use these elements and relationships in a different model view ?

If you are working in the same model you can drag and drop them from the tree to any View in that same model. See the section "Adding Elements and Relations from the Model Tree to a View" page 37 of the User Guide.
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Quote from: Gemini on January 21, 2024, 14:38:20 PMIn some cases, there are only elements and relationships located under the Archimate layer folders of a model. How can I use these elements and relationships in a different model view ?

In the ArchiMate standard, concepts (elements and relationships) can be used only in views coming from the same model. Thus, if you want to build views using these concepts, they must be inside the same domain.

If for some reasons you absolutely want to define similar concepts in several models, you can:
- Put them in a (temporary) view and then copy this view's content into an empty view in the target model. The temporary views can be deleted after.
- Create a model containing only the common concepts, and then import this model into other models (see User Guide on p. 101).


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