Publication of subset of a model without destroying the model

Started by Tibo12, January 22, 2024, 16:23:58 PM

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I have a model created by colleagues we want to share to other colleagues who do not know and have Archi.
Hence, we want to publish a subset of the model with an HTML report (i.e 150% of the model to be published 100% multi-site).

Is there a script that can remove elements in the HTML reports
shall I modify the HTML
shall I hide elements in the report with properties (some previous topics indicate it partially)
shall the elements be removed manually
other ?

Thank you
Kind regards,

P.S : I also viewed a previous topic with a script that selects one folder but it is not "accurate".

Phil Beauvoir


> Is there a script that can remove elements in the HTML reports

Wouldn't be too hard to create one, but you'd have to specify which element to remove.

> shall I modify the HTML

You could, but you'd have to know what you were doing.

> shall I hide elements in the report with properties (some previous topics indicate it partially)

You can use the "_hide_from_export_" property to hide objects as described in the User Guide on page 106 ("Masking").

> shall the elements be removed manually

You could do that temporarily or in a copy of the model and then create the report.

> other ?

Can't think of anything else, unless a power user has come up with some other method.
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we also have the same problem here. I would prefer something like the "_hide_from_export_" property within the elements, views, models.
e.g. a comma separated list of tags within the elements like
property: _html_export : Value: all, managment, IT
and in the export report I select IT and all elements, and views the the TAG are exported.
Best regards



I have this issue too.
Here is what I did :

Having a clean tree views where all my views are in folders.

I use the jarchi script from which create a new model from a folder...

And then, just export the new model in HTML.

This is very powerful since you can have an export with only your processes... business/management/applications
and an other export with sensitive informations (ie server names, IP adresses...)

With this, I have only one model which has informations for publics (developpers, project managers, business analysts...) and also sensitive informations (infrastructure schémas, networks...)


Hello all,

thank you for your answers.

Have a nice day.
