Forum link has fallen off the main website?

Started by arnedh, December 16, 2015, 07:32:26 AM

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I can't find the link to the Forums from the the main website, is this intentional?

Best regards

Arne D Halvorsen

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

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Phil Beauvoir

I removed the link as an experiment. We are getting many people registering here, and either not posting at all, or posting one question (which is answered) and then not responding. The "conversation" is one way. I had hoped that this forum would be a self-help place where Archi users could engage with and help each other. It seems to have turned into a place for "When are you going to implement this feature for free? I need it now!" posts. I can re-instate the link if needed or I can add to the FAQ with this - "Q. When will feature x be implemented? A. I don't know."

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This explains why I couldn't find the link to the forum on the main website. I just registered, I promise that I'll post at least once more Phil -- to ask when you'll be implementing a feature I need for free mwahahaha

But seriously though, great project. I'll probably add the feature to github. I'll also take a look at the code soon to see how easy/difficult it might be to implement too.

Hi, I'm Andy btw. Just started using Archi a couple of days ago, but it seems like it will be really useful for some EA/SA work I'm doing.

- Andy

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Andy,

thanks and welcome. :)

It's just me being grumpy.  ;)  I'll put the forum link back tomorrow...


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