Export views.csv ?

Started by johmut, February 02, 2024, 08:41:34 AM

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I am happy to use elements.csv, properties.csv and relations.csv and import into Excel, do some PowerPivot magic and produce a PivotTable where I can do some meaningful queries and filters to generate tabular documentation.
Is it possible to also export views as a .csv, not the visuals, just the metadata (properties) and the elements that are shown on the views? The architectural relations are in relations.csv. What I am looking for here is the visual relations: Views showing elements, showing box-in-box contained elements, recursively (parent/child).

Possible? Other ideas to generate tabular documentation (catalog, matrices)

1/ A matrix of Business Roles involved in Business Processes defined for Business Functions of a Capability?
2/ A view for a Business Process, showing the Business Function it helps to realize, the Business Objects it accesses, the Business Roles involved, triggering Business Events, the motivational elements, ....


Phil Beauvoir

For that particular use case, this is something that jArchi was designed for. I think some users have done something similar. There's an example export to csv with jArchi.
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Another option is to use the SQL engine built-in the HTML report.

See this page for more information: https://github.com/archimatetool/archi/wiki/SQL-queries-in-the-HTML-report

You can export the data using the "SELECT ... INTO CSV('output.csv') FROM ..." syntax (see https://github.com/AlaSQL/alasql/wiki/Into for more details).


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NB: the link on the page mentioned seems to be not accessible.

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: rchevallier on February 12, 2024, 09:45:49 AMNB: the link on the page mentioned seems to be not accessible.

I've updated the link.
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OK Guys, I will give it my best shot.



I've found myself these HTML report tables are quite useful for supporting querying.

Here you may find the summarized data model (tables structure with relationships) on those 7 tables in HTML report:


Refer to those relationships between tables will facilitate you writing complex query for getting data from joined tables. Good Luck!

p.s. I also load the HTML Report data into Power BI then for more visualization views and linking with other data source internally.
