Customizing Relationship Connector Appearance in Archi

Started by Gemini, August 31, 2024, 20:47:32 PM

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Hello Archi Community,

I'm looking for advice on customizing the visual appearance of relationship connectors in Archi. Specifically, I would like to know how to adjust various attributes, such as the line weight, endpoint styles, and connection points on elements. Additionally, I'm interested in understanding if there are any options for merging or grouping connectors to improve diagram clarity.

I've explored the Appearance menu, but it seems limited in terms of advanced formatting options for connectors. Are there any other tools or settings within Archi that can help with these visual adjustments?

Thank you for your assistance!

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, the things that can be modified for an ArchiMate connection are line colour, line width and text attributes. As each connection style is in accordance with ArchiMate notation endpoint changing endpoint styles is not currently supported.
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