Importing from iServer

Started by mark_s, September 17, 2024, 12:45:27 PM

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Hi Forum,

We have been using iServer for some time but it's time to move on. So Archi will become the preferred choice. However, as we have a bit of architectural collateral in iServer has anyone attempted to export and import into Archi?  Any thoughts, feedback would be extremely helpful. Otherwise we'd be starting from scratch.

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, could you use the ArchiMate Exchange Format to export from iServer?
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I recently discovered that iServer does not in fact conform to the official requirements from The Open Group as it does not include a built-in export/import feature.

But iServer (Orbus Software) consultants have access to a tool to do such export/import. So you have to contact them and force them to give you this tool (they can't refuse to do it or else their certification should be cancelled). One done, you'll be able to work (almost) seamlessly with iServer and Archi.


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