SVG render

Started by margolyesh, October 23, 2024, 11:38:10 AM

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Maybe I found a bug.
jArchi version:
MS windows 10
Archi version: 5.3.0

It works:
var svgString = $.model.renderViewAsSVGString(view, true);
It doesn't work:
var options = {setViewBox: false, viewBoxBounds: "0 0 1000 200", textAsShapes: false, embedFonts: true, textOffsetWorkaround: true};
var svgString = $.model.renderViewAsSVGString(view, options);

with error:
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: invokeMember (renderViewAsSVGString) on com.archimatetool.script.dom.model.Model failed due to: Cannot convert '[object Object]'(language: JavaScript, type: Object) to Java type 'boolean': Invalid or lossy primitive coercion.

Phil Beauvoir

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