Needs Training to Use jArchi

Started by zkhanz, November 07, 2024, 07:00:19 AM

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Hello Everyone!

I am looking for someone to guide/mentor/train me on using jArchi. I do have some programming background but not much. Happy to pay as a gratitude for the help. Thanks

Phil Beauvoir

I think the best way to get started with jArchi is to take a look at the simple examples that come with the plug-in. There are also many examples on GitHub and of course the other resources in the jArchi wiki.

Perhaps start with an existing script and modify it to experiment.

Hopefully, other jArchi scripters will help here with advice.

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I've started to work on some "jArchi beginners guide" (which should end up on jArchi's wiki). That's not really usable yet, but maybe you could be the first beta tester and help me create such guide (through your tests and feedback).

Maybe the first questions are: do you known javascript and have you ever use jQuery. Depending on the answer, it might be more or less easy to become fluent in jArchi.


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You may also try this one by Francois Coudeville > Step by step script examples - v0.1.ajs

Have fun !