Legend in View - Is this possible?

Started by leo, December 08, 2015, 22:55:56 PM

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Is there a way to add a legend to my views? The legend will only display the elements and associations actually used in the view.
See http://blog.bizzdesign.com/logical-and-phyiscal-component-descriptions-in-archimate for an example of what I mean.

This feature is great when I want to copy/paste the view into a document to help readers unfamiliar with archimate to understand the model.

Phil Beauvoir

Sorry, there is no automatic way to do this.
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Well, how guys do you add a legend to an archi view  ?

Currently I'm adding  bogus elements  to the view I'm modelling : an application component called "application", a data component labelled "data" and so on.  It's a bit more tricky for relationships ( data flows ,  assignement relationships, .... ) .

Or 1)  I maintain an archi model with views only to export them as images I'm using as legends 2 ) I mix those image legends with images of my working views.

Any thougths  ?
