Feature Request : Diagram Note Element

Started by jfdeclercq, July 10, 2018, 12:45:22 PM

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This is a request for a feature : a diagram note element.

On all my diagrams I like to display the title of the diagram, my name and the date.

For the diagram title, I could drag & drop the view on the diagram but it doesn't work when you drag the view on itself (Archi 4.0.3) ...

Maybe Archi could have a way to easilly add the view meta-data on the diagram itself (what Sparx calls a diagram note element) ?

What I'd like :
- View name
- Author Name
- Last modification Date
- version (optionnal, can be in the view name)

See an example here :

Thank you for thinking about it...

Phil Beauvoir

How is this different from using the Note element already available in Archi? Do you mean that the info is added automatically?

BTW - Archi 4.2 is a better version than 4.0.3.

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


I can see several things here:

I was not aware that it was not possible to insert a link on a view that target the current view itself. I don't know why we have this restriction. @Phil: any specific reasons for that ?

You might try to use Herve's specialization plugin. It allows you to replace label of an object by some alternate text that can be expressed using soem kind of macro. I'm sure Herve monitor this forum, so Herve please comment ;-)



BTW - Who will win tonight: France or Belgium ?  ;-)
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Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie on July 10, 2018, 12:55:26 PM
I was not aware that it was not possible to insert a link on a view that target the current view itself. I don't know why we have this restriction. @Phil: any specific reasons for that ?

Why would you want to do that?
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Phil Beauvoir

If you value and use Archi, please consider making a donation.
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

Quote from: Phil Beauvoir on July 10, 2018, 12:57:08 PM
Why would you want to do that?

Why would you NOT want do do that?   ;-)

This could be used to create a standard "header" or "footer" to ease navigation between views. It could also be used to create a title that is always in sync with the view name.

BTW, I've just discovered that: if you have a view V1, then you can create a (temporary) view V2 in which you'll create a view reference VR1 for V1. Then you can copy VR1 into V1, leading to a view reference for the view inside itself. (but it's a hack).

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Phil Beauvoir

> Why would you NOT want do do that?   ;-)

Because I don't need to link to something that is itself.
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>> Do you mean that the info is added automatically?
-> Yes and if you change the diagram name the note element changes automatically.

A bit more context : when I print/export/copy-paste a diagram in a document I like to find its name, date, version and author.I see too many diagrams images for which it's impossible to know who made it and when.



Per my understanding, the standard Archi's Note would be sufficient to achieve Jean-Francois' goal. My specialization plgin won't be really usefull here :)

As per the view linking to itself, I'm like phil, I do not see the point. At least, I do not have the need  ;D

Best regards