List of organizations known to use Archi

Started by Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie, March 24, 2016, 15:49:43 PM

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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


The goal of this thread is to list as many known use cases as possible so that people new to Archi can see that it can be really used on a day to day basis by an Architect (and not only 1 or 2 days to "test" ArchiMate and then switch to a paid tool).

So if you use Archi for an organization (which should obviously be always the case) we'd appreciate if you could take 2min to briefly describe in which context you use it (your organization, size of your team if any, typical work you to with it...). It could also be interresting to see why to still use Archi or why you've switch to another tool if you no more use it.

In addition, we can also use this thread to list other known usage (for example publication of Reference Architectures...).

This topic is yours.



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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

So I will start by my own usage.

As former Architect for the french LafargeHolcim division:
Archi is used to document the global IS/IT Landscape, mainly from an infrastructure and application point of view. This is used for impact analysis (together with information shared in a CMDB based on CMDBuild) and as a basis for each architecture change (ie. for project related solution architecture) where deliverables are created through the buitin jasperreport engine (customizable report).

As Enterprise Architect Consultant for Arismore:
Archi is used:

  • to document architectures for our customers when they have no EA tooling in place,
  • to document architectures for our own, internal, projet,
  • by trainees during official ArchiMate trainings


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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

Another known usage is the official documentation of the European Interoperability Reference Architecture.

This is made clear by:

  • The reference to Archi at the end of the official page
  • The publication of the HTML export of the beta version of the reference architecture
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As Enterprise Architect for Ciber International:
* Started with Archi to create a multidimensional model, with lots of views on different architecture subdomains, like Business, Application, Technology etc.
* Also other architects work with Archi.

As Enterprise Architect for BDO International:
* Started with Archi to create amultidimensional model, with lots of views on different architecture subdomains, like Business, Application, Technology etc.

Phil Beauvoir

I have a lot of email feedback dating from 2010 until now from various users and organisations stating that they use or have used Archi, that they like it, or can we add this or that feature, and so on. Some still use Archi, and some may have moved onto other tools or dropped it. In any case, here's a random selection of organisations past and present who have stated they have used Archi to some degree:

  • Universities
  • Insurance companies
  • Electrabel IT-Services
  • AtE
  • Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
  • GE Corporate Initiatives Group
  • Cap Gemini
  • Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.
  • The TriZetto Group
  • Casewise
  • Sogeti Nederland B.V.
  • United States Department of Labor
  • QA Training
  • Government of Canada, Treasury Board

There are lots more!

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As far as I'm concerned, I'm a technical architect at Stime, the IT company of the musqueteers group (Intermarche, Bricomarche, Netto, Poivre Rouge, ...).

I replaced Visio by Archi to draw all my architecture diagrams.

I developped an Archi plugin to import all our CIs from our ServiceNow CMDB (

I am also developping a plugin to store the Archi plugins into a database. The alpha relase will be available on Github soon.

Best regards

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Hervé on April 15, 2016, 13:38:16 PM
I replaced Visio by Archi to draw all my architecture diagrams.

Nice. :-) Thanks for the feedback.
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Hi Phil,

Yes, that's the nice side.

On the other hand, my company is willing to replace all the licenced software by free ones in order to reduce cost. Untill now, they're not ready to pay for Archi  :-[

Best regards


Hi JB,

I asked my government client for their permission to submit a brief story of how we used Archi to help document their Business Architecture. They agreed, as long as I was willing to write the narrative. I ended up writing a one page "Archi Usage Story" which they have approved and I have attached to this post. I hope that you and other forum members find it to be of value.

Thanks and Regards,

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie

Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for this detailed description of what you are doing with Archi. I think we could even make it accessible through the main Archi website if you're ok.


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Phil Beauvoir

Thanks Peter,

we do have a blog site. Could I summarise it there?

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Hi Phil and JB,

I'm absolutely OK with publishing that anywhere. However, if it is to be edited or summarized I'd appreciate the opportunity to review it first. I may also be able to add additional info if you thought it would help.


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Peter,

great! It will be a "Archi Spotlight on...." feature on the blog. I'll take what you've got and edit it and then let you have the final say and edit. I'll do it real soon.

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Phil Beauvoir

Peter, I've drafted something in Google docs and sent you an edit invite.
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