Sharing Conversion XSLT to BizzDesign EA

Started by Martijn, March 01, 2017, 12:30:32 PM

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When evaluating BizzDesign Studio Enterprise Architect (which in my opinion is a great tool, and a perfect follow up to Archi) I did not want to recreate each iteration of the modelling work in progress.

So evolved the Archi2BizzEA stylesheet.

It implements 4 functions
- take the Open Group XML export format from Archi
- convert objects
- convert relations
- convert views with objects and relations.

It is still lacking some functions as well:
- convert grouping
- convert map structure

But since the latter two can be done in 10 minutes (in our case) we can still use the stylesheet.

Let me know what you think of it.

Martijn van der Jagt
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Phil Beauvoir

Thanks for this, Martijn.

To be clear, what is this adding over a straight export/import via the exchange format?

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Thanks for observing the post.

To be honest I did not get the exchange file working in Bizzdesign EA.
The xslt is using the Archi exchange format and it transfers to the native format of Bizzdesign EA.

If there are better ways I love to learn them!


Phil Beauvoir


thanks for info. Maybe Bizzdesign EA need to update their exchange format code?

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