When do you expect the new repository and multi-user features to be released?

Started by mwherman2000, June 14, 2016, 16:12:17 PM

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Hi Phil,

When do you expect the new repository and multi-user features to be released?

What version of Archi will this be referred to as?

Best regards,

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Michael,

the repo/sharing features are in the preliminary and experimentation stages at the moment. I'm taking a look at EMFStore and another technology, to try and come up with the best solution. Results so far look promising.

The immediate priority is to secure funding to implement ArchiMate 3.0 and only then to work further on the repo features. Bear in mind that any repo features are going to require a lot of work, a new way of working, and will need a new licensing model (just for the repo feature, not Archi).

If we get funding for ArchiMate 3.0 implementation that would be Archi 4. Repo support would be a side-grade and a completely separate initiative.

If you value and use Archi, please consider making a donation.
Ask your ArchiMate related questions to the ArchiMate Community's Discussion Board.


I agree, everybody has been surviving with the single-user option and although it would be a welcome feature, getting Archi 3.0 out would be much higher on the list.