*.archimate renderer plugin for Confluence

Started by orefalo, March 15, 2016, 21:49:34 PM

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I'd like to create a plugin for confluence (Atlassian) to render *.archimate files.

Any pointers in the source code would be appreciated. Bottom line, I need a render() function that can produce a browser friendly image format (png,gif,jpg)

Thank you

Phil Beauvoir


you can only build an image from an internal model that has been rendered in a GEF/Draw2D model. Take a look at com.archimatetool.editor.diagram.util.DiagramUtils. Also, take a look at the code in the export methods in HTML report and Jasper Reports.

If, however, you want to create a function outside of Eclipse/Archi then...you'll have to process the .archimate file and draw boxes and lines using an external library. Take a look at http://www.eads-iw.net/web/imagine/archimagine

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Pascal Dussart

I was thinking about a setup where an archimate view is converted to a PlantUML script. PlantUML has recently been updated for Archimate (experimental, still).

For those who don't know PlantUML: it graphically renders scripted UML models. PlantUML can be embedded in a lot of 3rd party tools and Atlassian Confluence is one of them.

Have a look at http://plantuml.com/archimate.html or http://plantuml.com/classes.html

An Archi CVS export to PlantUML script conversion might be a feasible proof-of-concept


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Another option is to export the .archimate file using the HTML report. Then you'll have a list of images that you can link from confluence. Those images are named using the internal ID of the views, so name will be the same even if you update the views and re-export the model.


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Pascal Dussart

That is one of the solutions that are relatively simple to realize. It can be automated too.

Confluence has a HTML Import macro, but from my experience it has a mind of its own when it comes to content-caching. Also, I'll need to find a way for visiting browsers to keep caching to a minimum (since the URL to the view-images don't change)