How in Archi to distinguish between as-is architecture and to-be architecture?

Started by Johnlomary, September 06, 2016, 07:34:57 AM

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Hi all

Hope it is not a stupid question.  May I know after recorded the as-is architecture, how Archi helps me to record a new version for to-be architecture? When the to-be architecture has been implemented, how Archi helps me to replace the as-is one?


Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


This is not a stupid question at all...

I'd say that for the moment Archi by itself doesn't offer a true solution. That's the reason why I developped the GRAFICO plugin which allows you to export an Archi model into a git repository. Using such solution (obviously at POC stage) solves your issue through the creation of "project" branches that you merge back to the "asis" branch when architecture has been implemented.


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I am very new to both archimate and archi and felt the same when going through the ADM at my work. My current approach is to use two diagrams, one for As-is and the other for To-be and then use colour coding of elements to indicate whether they are going to be retained (possibly enhanced), removed or added. 


Hi all,

you should use Plateaus, one for As-Is and one for To-Be. how Archimate 2 (subsequently Archi also) has limitations that are solved in version 3 : only elements can be linked to plateau.
as a workaround, I use properties. it's applicable to relationships and views and help not duplicating objects.
Depending on the complexity of your model you'll have one property for each plateau or one "Plateau" property with string values.