Determining colors of the basic color palette

Started by Ruben, October 28, 2016, 11:53:01 AM

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Hi all,

My company uses a color scheme which I'd also like to use in my models. If I add custom colors however, these are reset the next time I start Archi.
Would it be possible to change the source code, so that I can add my theme colors to the palette where currently the basic colors show up? And if so, which classes should I look at?

So I'm talking about the color picker: a the top you see a palette with basic colors, and below that there is a palette where you can add custom colors.

I am aware that one can set default colors for particular concepts, but often I want different colors for the same concepts (e.g. application components with different colors). Since these custom colors cannot be selected in the color picker, this approach won't help me.

Thanks in advance!

Phil Beauvoir


are you saying that the system color picker is not remembering user colors? I don't think the Archi code has any control over that.

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