Java was started but returned exit code 13

Started by Kirill, March 03, 2018, 17:09:41 PM

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Just installed Archi4 and got this error

OS Win 10 x32
Java (that installed in program files) x32
Dont have x64 Java and cant install that 'cause of x32 system.
Have read that Archi comes with jre folder (that IS a in-app java), but I dont know its version

On another PC with x64 win 10 all works good.

Tried to add -vm C:\Program Files\Java\...\javaw.exe, didnt work.

Could you help me to solve this problem? Thank you!

Phil Beauvoir

Which installer did you use? 32-bit? Zip version? Not zip version?
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Phil Beauvoir

Just make sure you downloaded the file Archi-Win32-Setup-4.2.exe, should work as it installs Java in the ProgramFiles/Archi4/jre folder.
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Did it again. Used 100% win x32 installer. Same error.

Quoteshould work as it installs Java in the ProgramFiles/Archi4/jre folder.

Could be a version conflict with separate installed Java from official Java-site and archi Java?

Phil Beauvoir

Shouldn't be. But you could try uninstalling the Java and see what happens.
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Problem was solved by installing to system directory (drive C). The previous installation was on drive D.