Archi users in Belgium and The Netherlands.

Started by Luc Gadeyne, November 10, 2016, 08:37:15 AM

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Luc Gadeyne

Hi Archi users,

At KBC Belgium a small group enthusiasts want to start using Archimate with a little help from Archi.
We would like to know if other companies in Belgium or The Netherlands are using Archi, to exchange experiences and best practices.

Luc Gadeyne
Enterprise Architect


I work as a contractor for the EIRA (European Interoperability Reference Architecture), I'm located in Brussels / Hoeilaart.


Hi Luc,

I work as a consultant for a small consultancy company in the Netherlands called ArchiXL. I'm using Archi quite often on various projects I'm involved in. Previously I was involved in setting up a reference architecture for the Safety & Health organisations in NL. Currently I'm involved in a project for a governmental organization where we are currently using Archi in combination with GITHUB so approx 10 architects can work together.

Within ArchiXL we also have much experience in setting up semantic Wiki (we even have an out of the box application) to publish repositories from a.o. Archi. Currently the major governmental reference architectures are shared via Wiki's.

Kind regards,

Bart den Dulk


I got introduced to Archi for the Master of Enterprise Architecture programme (by institute). Currently exploring the tool, but it looks promising.
