Reporting details of usiness Model Canvas using the reporting tool

Started by alonsop, March 24, 2017, 23:16:15 PM

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We are using the Business Model Canvas in Archi to document current a future state business models.  We have used the documentation fields of the Stickies to detail information about the different elements of the Canvas. 

Unfortunately, the default report settings do not print those detail, just the picture of the canvas.

I there a way in the Jasper configuration files to get the documentation we have entered out on a report? In a similar fashion to the way the reports are printed for the ArchiMate views?

I will really appreciate any suggestions on this...

Phil Beauvoir


as you say the Canvas fields like documentation are not included in the report. I think it would be possible to add this to the Jasper report...if someone is prepared to take a look at it and do it. :-) Otherwise it will be one more thing added to the list of features that folk want me to after Archi 4 is released we'll make a list of features and prioritise things.

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