how to indicate the strength of the Influence relation

Started by admiralthex, May 18, 2017, 16:09:26 PM

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I'm using archi 3.2 and trying to model an influence relationship. I should be able to define the strength of the influence with + or - but it's not clear to me how to do this through the UI even though the icon clearly shows the modified flow icon of a dashed line solid arrow head and a +.  Is this actually supported by archi 3.2 or am I missing something?

Phil Beauvoir


in Archi 3.2 you can add the strength value in the name field in Properties.

Archi 4 improves matters where a separate field is provided in Properties.

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Ok, thanks.  If using name, is there a way to move the name field away from the line a little or do I need to be creative? 

The default on a horizontal line has the characters and the relationship line colliding.


Found the text position to work for this.  I can have name moved to "source" or "target" rather than the default middle.

Phil Beauvoir

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