Duplicate a model with a new identifier

Started by Jose-Carlos, September 19, 2017, 09:27:37 AM

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is there a way to duplicate a model with a new id?
It generates some troubles when new models created from another one are stored using database plugin. Identifier is the same and model is considered as a new version and not a new model.

Today, I use an editor to modify manualy the id, but a duplicate model function will be usefull.

Phil Beauvoir

I don't understand where you are duplicating a model?
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For example, when I create a model from a template or by copying the archimate extention file. those two actions keep the model id.

Phil Beauvoir

I've just made a change to the code so that new IDs are generated for all objects and model when creating a new model from a template.

As for when someone manually copies the file, I can't do anything about that.
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Thanks Phil for your reactivity.
I'll wait for next build annoncement to download the new version with this improvment.



Alternatively, you may download my form plugin (https://github.com/archi-contribs/form-plugin).

Then create a configuration file containing the following lines:
    "version": 2,
    "org.archicontribs.form": [{
        "spacing": 4,
        "refers": "model",
        "name": "change model's ID",
        "width": 400,
"height": 200,
        "tabs": [{
            "name": "Id",
            "controls": [
                  "x": 5,
                  "y": 10,
                  "text": "Model's ID:",
                  "class": "label"
                  "fontBold": true,
                  "x": 80,
  "y": 10,
                  "width": 320,
                  "variable": "${id}",
                  "class": "text"

You configure this file in the plugin's preference (Archi menu "Edit" / "preferences" / "form plugin" and finally, you right click on any component of your model to show up the context menu.

When you select the form, you are able to change your model ID.

Hope this helps

Best regards


Hi Hervé,
thanks a lot for this workaround. It's perfect!