database export/import plugin v2 (alpha release)

Started by Hervé, February 27, 2017, 21:25:37 PM

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Hi Hervé,
I begin to test the plug-in Friday.

Thanks & regards,


Dear all,

I'm pleased to announce the alpha2 release of my database plugin version 2 :

The key updates are :

  • Importing an element now imports its relationships as well
  • Add import folder functionality
  • Add import view functionality
  • Change RCP methods to insert entries in menus in order to be more friendly with other plugins
  • Solve a bug with MySQL databases for which aliases in SQL joins are mandatory
  • Solve a bug in progressBar which did not represent 100%
  • Launch the import process on double-click in the model list table
  • The ID is now shown in right menu only in debug mode
  • Few java optimizations
  • Improve exceptions catching between threads
  • Replace boolean database columns by integer columns for better compatibility, especially with MySQL

Please note that I had to change a bit the datamodel (partly to increase my compatibility to MySQL). I updated the SQL scripts to create the database tables.

This release allows to share elements and relationships between models. The next release will allow to share complete folders and views between models.

Best regards


Dear all,

You will find the alpha3 release of my database plugin :

this release has not got new functionality but solves two bugs (including one major) :

  • Correct preference page where some options were outside the window on some displays
  • Solve a SQL duplicate key error during model export

There is no change in the database model from the previous release.

I would like to particularly thank Gilles for his testing and support, so thank you Gilles  ;)

Best regards


I need help on entering the right servername for an MS-SQL.
Using v2 and latest beta version of Archimate - tested on mac and win.

But im getting the same error when I click 'check' as on the attached screenshot, no matter what I enter.

I have tried:

jdbc:neo4j: and added portnumber to the next field.

Is this an issue with the format of the URL og can it be other problems?



The 'server' field must just contain the hostname or the ip address of the server hosting your database (not a jdbc connection string).

you may use localhost or if the SQL Server database is hosted on your desktop.

Best regards