Clickable relations in HTML reports

Started by TT, October 19, 2017, 12:41:59 PM

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When you make a HTML report (File->Report->HTML), then you can get clikcable objects but you can't click on relations to see more information about it eg. the documentation field.

It would be nice, if that could be implemented or is there a special reason why it isn't/not possibly?

Is there a workaround?


Phil Beauvoir

> is there a special reason why it isn't/not possibly?

Because it hasn't been implemented.

Clickable objects in reports was implemented by Tun Schlechter - - and I think calculating the hit spots for lines might be somewhat harder. It's not something that I know how to do, so perhaps something for another contribution.
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I also have got the same need but until now, I failed to create clickable lines in the template. Sorry  :-[

Best regards