[Tool] Practical import of properties

Started by adekr, October 19, 2017, 15:41:46 PM

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I created the importer of properties to the .archimate xml files which handles the importing process simpler the Archi's csv import. I have been using that for almost a year during the larger architectural assessments.

It updates the element properties of the Archimate model (.archimate file) based on the input csv file with file structure: ID, Property value.

Input header names are ignored. Property is selected either by --property flag or by input csv filename without extension. Input model is not overwritten, the new model is created instead with additional protocol csv sheet.

I propose this script being the prototype for java Archi implementation.

- only .archimate xml format (no packed, or DB) - tested with Archi 3 a 4
- IDs used are the internal element IDs - we had some discussion on this topic in issue https://github.com/archimatetool/archi/issues/250
The import script is located here: https://gitlab.com/radek.svarz.dataviso/archi_tools

Warning - I am not liable for any changes to your data. You are advised to review the script before the usage. You are on your own.