Elements Display

Started by amineb, November 16, 2017, 13:04:36 PM

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Hello Everyone !
I have just discovered Archi tool and I am learning how to use it.

I am trying to do a data model and therefore I am using the Data Object element. I need to specify a number of attributes/properties related to that object.

My question is how to display those properties on the view/diagram ??

Thank you !

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, properties cannot be displayed on the diagram, although other users have requested this as a feature:

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Hi Phil, thanks ! I'll check the updates on the link that you sent.


Also - you might like to check out the forms plugin https://github.com/archi-contribs/form-plugin. I've used Archi for ages and only just properly discovered this. It's really useful to enter ("specify" you said) a number of properties against objects, which may help what you're trying to do, by using the table feature in the context of the view you right-click on.


Recent update!
Properties can now be included in the labels no elements using the Specialisation plug in (https://github.com/archi-contribs/specialization-plugin).

See attached example.  8)