Update site

Started by dimitris, November 03, 2014, 13:08:50 PM

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First of all, thanks for all your hard work on Archi! Is there any chance that the c.a.model and c.a.jdom plugins could be made available in the form of an Eclipse update site so that .archimate models can be used within Eclipse with transformation languages such as Epsilon, ATL, QVT etc.? I'd be more than happy to help with this if that's of interest.


Phil Beauvoir


could you explain what would be involved in doing this? Would it mean having a separate location for the source?

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Hi Phil,

Thanks for your response. No - there's no need to have a separate location for the source to do this. There's a nice article on the Eclipse Wiki that demonstrates how to create an update site [1].


[1] https://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_create_an_update_site_(site.xml)%3F

Phil Beauvoir

Hi Dimitris,

might this be something that you could set up?

[Edit] I created a basic one from the link you provided. Should all plugins go in it?

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Hi Phil,

The c.a.model and c.a.jdom plugins should suffice. My first thought was to set up an update site for this myself but I thought I'd check with you first.


Phil Beauvoir

Hi Dimitris,

I'm happy if you want to set one up.  :D

I took a quick look at the process and created a Feature project for the c.a.model and a local update site but then I wondered if more plugins should go in there.

I guess, given that the idea is to use it within Eclipse itself and because c.a.model has a dependeny on c.a.jdom, that those two should suffice, as you say.

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Hi Phil,

Done [1]. In case you'd like to host this on the Archi website in the future, the feature and update site projects are available under [2, 3]. If/when you do this, please respond to this thread and I'll update the link to point towards the "official" update site.


[1] https://code.google.com/p/epsilonlabs/
[2] https://epsilonlabs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/com.archimatetool.model.updatesite
[3] https://epsilonlabs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/com.archimatetool.model.feature

Phil Beauvoir

That was quick!

I have an idea - would it make sense to put it here:


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Hi Phil,

Sure! How do we go about doing this?


Phil Beauvoir

If you have a GitHub user name I can invite you.
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Hi Phil,

My GitHub id is kolovos.


Phil Beauvoir

I set up two empty git repos there and invited you. Not sure if I've done it correctly. :-)
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Hi Phil,

I've created a new repository which now hosts both projects



Phil Beauvoir

Hi Dimitris,

that's great, thanks very much! I think the link in the README needs to be updated, though. I deleted the unnecessary feature repository as well as you put both projects in the one repo.

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Hi Phil,

Thanks for doing this. The update site seems to be working well on my side. Typing this on a browser returns a 404 but Eclipse looks for a site.xml under the URL, which exists.
