HTML report: how to create drill-down / link from one view to another view

Started by Robakershoek, February 17, 2018, 11:01:03 AM

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I have question related to the possibility to create a kind of drill-down from a one view to another more detailed view.

For example:

Start with one view providing an overall overview of all business capabilities. When selecting a specific business capability (e.g. double click) then we zoom into this capability showing another view which covers that specific component in more detail.

Thus clicking on a object (e.g. business capability or application component) which then shows the detailed view / diagram (similar as URL link to another view).

Thank you for your help.

Phil Beauvoir

Hi, I'm not sure what you're asking here. Are you proposing this as feature request, or are you asking how this might be done because you want to implement this?
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Thank you for your reply. I hope this is an existing feature of Archi HTML publishing. So indeed I hope someone can tell me how this could this be done.

To improve the navigation it is essential to have the ability to drill down to another diagram.

For example : one view / diagram with a business capability model. Then if you click on a capability you drill down to another diagram showing the sub capabilities as well as other objects.

Or having a process diagram on level 1 with a high level process flow. When you click on a process object open another diagram with a level 2 detailed process flow.

I would assume this is a key feature a EA tool should have.


Phil Beauvoir

That's not implemented in HTML reports. But if it's a feature that you'd like to see implemented then please add it a request here - - maybe someone from the open source community might take a look at it.
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Quote from: Robakershoek on February 17, 2018, 11:01:03 AM
I have question related to the possibility to create a kind of drill-down from a one view to another more detailed view.

Hi Rob,
Maybe this suggestion is too simple, but you can drag a view on to another view / element. So if you have a master view, drag the detail view on to it and it will provide a drill-down. I don't know how this works in html reports (may depend on the renderer), but I can say from experience that this does survive in the Exchange format exports (that is how we publish our models).



Thank you Marc for your idea! I tried that and indeed that works. But I rather also have the ability to drill-down from for example a business process or application component to a detailed diagram :)

But thank you for your advice.