Translating Archi

Started by plecotus, November 05, 2014, 10:35:30 AM

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Hi Phil,

I am translating Archi to spanish language and I had found a problem with org.eclipse.gef.jar because is not translated in the eclipse spanish package. In View menu the operations for position of elements has be translated in this file GEF.
Maybe, it must be informed in "Translating Archi" page.

I am going to finish this translation, but the hints are in english yet. It will be a lot of time.


Phil Beauvoir

Congratulations on your endeavour! Yes, it will take a lot of time, and it won't be easy.  ???

For the GEF language pack, it looks like there is not a new one available in the Eclipse Babel Project:

One suggestion - take the previous version pack, and see if it works, if not try editing it:
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Thanks Phil,

With this file (GEF JUNO) the translation is working correctly.
Now, I had seen a LABEL in a plugin.xml : 17: label="CSV Data Into Model..." in   com.archimatetool.csv. instead of %importLabel. To change in next release?

Thanks again

Phil Beauvoir

OK, I fixed that label for the next release. It's in the Git repo now.
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Hello Phil,

How I could migrate my spanish translation pack from Archi 3.0 to Archi 3.1.0?
I´ve *.es files in Archi 3.0 version.


Phil Beauvoir

Hi, the only way to do this is to compare the strings and see if anything has changed. Then re-do the packs as described here:

I can't remember if the Properties Editor Plugin will highlight the differences.

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