Recursive relationships (closed)

Started by omd65, June 06, 2018, 15:06:22 PM

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my question may be silly, but I did not find a way to create recursive relationships in Archi (which is btw a fabulous tool  :) ).

I did verify the Archimate specification and (unless I missed something) it says nothing about the recursive relationships. I searched the forum, but unsuccessfully too.

Thanks a lot

Phil Beauvoir

Page 27 of the user guide:
Adding Circular Relationships (Connections)

You may add a circular relationship (connection) if you wish. This is a relationship whose
target and source element is the same. By default, this option is turned off in
Preferences. Enabling the preference will allow you to draw a connection from an
element to itself by selecting the required relationship from the Palette, clicking once on
the element and clicking again on the element.
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Thank you for your quick reply :)