Archimate business object model template

Started by netraider, May 29, 2018, 08:58:36 AM

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Hi All,

I am currently new to Archimate and have just joined an organisation that is practising TOGAF and Archimate. I have been asked to produce a generic business object model to store existing and future business objects.

Is there an Archimate generic template for business objects that I can reuse? I have googled  but have not found anything that I could reuse.

Many Thanks.


Adding some extra info here regarding a business object model. Not sure if there is a model out there that I can reuse.

Currently working for an organisation that is in the process of separating from the parent company.

Busineds  processes are being documented in order to identify how the organisation will work once is completely separated from the parent company. The business processes are documented using EA Sparx. The business objects will be identified during the business process workshops with business department.

I have been asked to provide an Archimate business objects model using EA Sparx to allow Business Analysts to document business objects for each business process. A consultant that specialises in EA Sparx will program this on behalf of the organisation.

However, an initial business object model needs to be provided to the EA consultant to provide feedback ifvthis could be done.

I hope this make sense.
