Collaboration plug_in

Started by Steegeling, August 01, 2018, 12:23:59 PM

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We have implemented the collaboration plug_in. In the test we have noticed that when a certain view is in use the total model is blocked for another user. Is there a possibility to only block on view level instead of the whole model?

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


Could you elaborate a bit more by providing the exact name of the plugin you are using, and best, open a github issue on the right repository.

FWIW, neither Herve's database plugin nor Phil and I (git based) collaboration plugin use any locks...


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This is what we have downloaded and implemented in test: Can you give me some more information about how to open a github on the right repository?

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: Steegeling on August 01, 2018, 12:23:59 PM
We have implemented the collaboration plug_in. In the test we have noticed that when a certain view is in use the total model is blocked for another user. Is there a possibility to only block on view level instead of the whole model?

Could you please provide more detail concerning the problem you are experiencing? Please provide steps to reproduce the issue, as I do not understand this.

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I am working for an local government in the Netherlands. This local government is divided in 4 domains. For each domain we have realized a specific model in archi. In a specific domain are various views on which the domain users work out changes. To avoid that 2 people are working is the same view at the same time we introduced the colloboration plug-in. Instead of mentioning that another user is working on a certain view, and because of that the specific view is locked for anyone else, there is a lock on the whole model.

Phil Beauvoir

The collaboration plug-in doesn't impose any type of locking mechanism. It simply uses the standard git workflow on a local file.
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Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


As said previously there is no locking at all: instead the logic is that anyone can change anything in the model and then, when publishing your committed changes, a merge is done. At merge time, if some changes are incompatible, then a dialog will help you to solve those conflicts.


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