How do you display progress/health/maturity in Archi?

Started by mKeilow, July 05, 2018, 13:19:09 PM

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I want to visually display the health or maturity of a business proces, capability etc. I understand that I can add a property for each element, which is fine, but it would be great if such a property was illustrated/shown in the canvas/model view, preferably on top of the standard element types.

How do you (manually, using a plugin or otherwise) display such information?
Would you use such a feature if available?
- Morten

Phil Beauvoir

You could script it using jArchi to set the colour according to a property value. To display text from a property use Herve's plugin.
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Haven't played with jArchi yet - Will the colour settings only be applied within a specific view?
I will have to se if my scripting-chops are up for the task :) Thank your for the input
- Morten

Phil Beauvoir

Quote from: mKeilow on July 05, 2018, 13:25:55 PM
Haven't played with jArchi yet - Will the colour settings only be applied within a specific view?
I will have to se if my scripting-chops are up for the task :) Thank your for the input

They can be applied to selected elements, all elements, or those that have the property set, and/or whatever you choose. It's JavaScript, so you can do whatever you like.  :)
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Hi Morten,

As Phil suggested, I would recommend you have a try with my specialization plugin (

To install it, you just need to copy the JAR file to Archi's plugins folder and if the plugin doesn't fit your needs, you can simply delete the JAR file to uninstall the plugin.

In your situation, I would create colored icons that represent the maturity level:
   - green = mature
   - orange = in the middle of the maturity process
   - red = not mature

Of course, this icon replacement can be set view per view (i.e. you can have views with the icon replacement and some others without).

Should you prefer to set the whole object's background to a specific color depending on a property value, I should be able to develop it quite easily.

Best regards


I use the specialisation plug-in as described on Business Capability health. By manually* setting each capability property if 'icon' to use a coloured icon, it's possible to get views like this attached. I've also attached the icon png files, free to use.

* I see from the latest news that it is now possible to script the setting of these values, based on other properties. Haven't tried that yet, but keen to give it a go.