Deleting elements or relation by importing csv?

Started by Stanley, July 26, 2018, 22:08:54 PM

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Is there a way to delete elements by importing them via csv? If so, how? And are the properties and relations also deleted?
Is there a way to delete relations by importing them via csv?

If either of those deletions are not posible by importing csv, how can we massively delete them?

Thanks in advance!


sounds like a job for...... (drumroll.....) jArchi!!!!

Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie


You can't delete anything with the builtin CSV import/export feature.

If you want to delete elements or relationships, you have to write a script using jArchi, the scripting plugin for Archi. More information here.


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Quote from: Alberto on July 26, 2018, 22:13:05 PM
sounds like a job for...... (drumroll.....) jArchi!!!!

You both beat me to it!  ;D
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