Integrating UML (XMI) via CSV transformation (XSLT)?

Started by lollisoft, November 08, 2014, 11:17:01 AM

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I am new to archimate and archi, but familiar with UML. I see some potential to integrate Archi using csv with my modeling approach to develop data driven applications.
I like to use Archi for the enterprise planning when it come time to do so. But I do like to avoid unesecary data / model entry (enter the same data twice or more).

Thus csv may be an option to integrate. Another is the fact, Archi and probably others use plain XML as the storage format, I am able to create a startup template based on
my modeling approach toward some generic architecture types (SOA,Client/Server,N-Tier,...).

I'll start using csv with a predefined sample model I would create at first but how about the format?

Can I automate csv import/export anyhow?

Thanks, Lothar

Phil Beauvoir


there is no automation of CSV import/export, although no reason why someone couldn't write a command line interface to a Java jar that uses the CSV import/export plugin. Also, the Open Group are working on an Open ArchiMate Exchange format which uses XML. There will be support for this format in Archi. It should be possible to automate the conversion of Archi models to and from this format.

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Thanks for your quick answer!

Is there any public progress available on the Open Group work at the format, and where?


Phil Beauvoir

The Open Group's ArchiMate Forum approved the release of the current draft specification as a snapshot and so should be publically available this month. The first version of the exchnage format deals with exchanging ArchiMate model elements, relations, and properties. The diagram information will be added in a later iteration.
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Andrew Josey

As Phil mentioned The Open Group has put out a Snaphot release of its ArchiMate Model Exchange File Format (Phase 1). (a snapshot is a preview of work in progress)

The Snapshot specification and its support files (XSD and example XML files) available for free download at:

The FAQ for the snapshot is available at:

One item to note for the Snapshot  is this is Phase 1 only, which excludes Visual layout - so its of limited use right now. The purpose of the Snapshot is to take feedback on the direction- comments are requested (see the FAQ).

A plug-in is now available for Archi too . See

Andrew Josey